The lakes are poorly studied. In a more detailed study of the lakes, underwater whirlpools, powerful undercurrents and a developed network of underwater channels interfere with the study of the lake into a dead end. According to the materials established on the available data, the depth of both lakes exceeds 200 meters.

The area of the Large Shadhurey is 0.54 km2, the area of the Small one is 0.35 km2. The length of the Large Shadhurey is 350 meters, with a width of 120 meters. Neither rivers nor springs flow into the lakes, and no water flows out of them. However, the water level in them is constant all year round. The water temperature is also constant and is +15 ° C, which makes them difficult to swim. In the 1970s, in order to irrigate the fields, a canal was dug to the Big Lake. The very next night, the water level in the lake dropped by several meters. As a result, at the request of local residents, the canal was backfilled.

In 1972, several episodes of the film Land of Sannikov were filmed on the Small Shadkhurei. In particular, the sacrifice of a white deer was filmed on the lake, which was swallowed up by the cycle in the center of the lake.

On the map:

Pfnorama 07

Lenin Avenue 32, office 403



Phone: +7 (905) 435-24-07